Academy-Aged Game Information

Birth Years 2018 – 2015 


Team names , “B” Boys or “G” Girls, are based on your birth year. The “U” or Under age number is used by leagues.  “U” changes every year, but HPSA team names do not.

***Field weather updates are normally posted by the league by 7:00 AM game day, see links below.***

Girls Age Group with Game Schedule Links  League Team Manager ~ Coach
15G U10 Navy PIT Chris Grider ~ Carlos Manriquez
15G U10 White PIT TBA ~ Alan Rovira
16G U9 Navy PIT Carrie Morski ~ Santiago Agudelo
16G U9 White PIT TBA ~ Santiago Agudelo
17G U8 Navy PIT Katherine Bullock ~ Santiago Agudelo
17G U8 White PIT Heidi Blackmon ~ Santiago Agudelo
All Girls Abigail Simien ~ Santiago Agudelo


Boys Age Group/Game Schedule Links  League Team Manager ~ Coach
15B U10 Gold PIT Leigh Doyle ~ Samuel Campos
15B U10 Navy PIT Chelsey Baker ~ Raul Escalante
16B U9 Navy PIT  ~ Anthony Contreras
17B U8 Navy PIT Sarah Preston ~ Anthony Contreras
17B U8 White PIT Laura Steele ~ Anthony Contreras
17B U8 Yellow PIT Whitney Terilli ~ Anthony Contreras
All Boys PIT Brooke Renkes ~ Anthony Contreras

Performance Indoor Training League (PIT)
US Youth Soccer (USYS)
Season start date August 23rd end date November 10th


For some additional suggestions and FAQs to help the season run smoother – please click here.


Season Guidelines

To help facilitate a smooth and enjoyable season, please familiarize yourself with the following season guidelines.

  1. Practice, Game, and Tournament Schedules: Each player is expected to know and attend their scheduled practices, games, and tournaments. Please regularly check for updates on the schedule as it may change, and promptly inform your coach or team manager if you are unable to attend any event.
  2. Jersey Requirements: Please remember to bring both your White (home) and Navy (away) jerseys to every game to avoid any conflicts that may arise.
  3. Spring Break Considerations: It’s important to note that the leagues do not always provide byes for spring break, especially in the classic leagues. If your team plans to take an extended spring break, please coordinate with your teammates to ensure that you all take the same weekend off to avoid potential game forfeitures and associated fines.
  4. Bully-Free, Drama-Free Zones: We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying or any form of disrespectful behavior towards players, parents, referees, or coaches, both on and off the field. Let’s uphold the values of sportsmanship and respect at all times.
  5. Playing Time & Practice Policies: While HPSA is a competitive soccer club, playing time is earned, not guaranteed. Regular attendance at training sessions is crucial, as players with excessive absences may not receive equal playing time. All roster, training, and playing time decisions will be at the discretion of the coach.
  6. Chain of Communication: If you have any questions or concerns, please follow the established chain of communication: Player/Parent > Team Manager > Coach > Director of Coaching (DOC) > HPSA Leadership Team > Leagues.
  7. Academy Leagues are mostly professionally coached and players are selected. Academy teams have open rosters, players can play up and move around to any team. Academy leagues offer young players a developmental experience above the challenge of playing recreational soccer. Forfeiting two games in a season could result in being suspended from the league for up to one year. Therefore, we will play with the minimum number of players  if needed.
  8. League games will be played mostly on Saturday in the Plano and North area. All teams have one game per week normally for two 10 week seasons (fall Sept. – Nov. and spring Feb.- April). Bad weather reschedules could be on Sundays or weekdays. Each team will be scheduled 8-games (with a 6-game guarantee). No Games  for Spring Break or for Easter Sunday