Tournament Guidelines
Most tournament venues are in the DFW area. A team’s tournament schedule is based on the coach’s evaluation of the team’s skill level because tournaments are structured to create opportunities for teams at similar skill levels to compete against one another. Tournaments are a great opportunity for playing time, but are also taxing on players because of the number of games and amount of energy used to compete so intensely during such a short period of time.
Absence Requests
Coaches, Team Managers and/or the HPSA Registrar must receive player absence requests one month prior to the first day of the tournament. This date is determined for roster planning during the week before the team registration deadline, which is typically three weeks prior to the first day of the tournament.
Always take both home and away jerseys to all tournaments.
Game Schedules
Schedules are released the week of the event, possibly as late as Thursday. HPSA sends game day procedures to TMs once confirmed by tournaments, typically within one week prior to the event. While some tournament administrators enable website links early for coach and club administrator review, HPSA will alert team managers, and then parents and players once the schedule is official. Modifications occur regularly, so check game schedules prior to and throughout game days for updated information.
The leagues require that no teams schedule tournaments until the season is officially over including any rescheduled games for weather. They will not work around tournaments and regard them as unexcused forfeits. Two unexcused forfeits can result in the team being thrown out of the league.
Travel Tournaments
Tournaments that are out of town are paid for separately on a per team basis. HPSA collects additional dues to pay for tournament registration as well as coach and player travel expenses such as hotels, transportation and food. Parents are responsible for planning their own travel and paying for any personal travel-related expenses.
Player passports may be required, as HPSA teams have previously traveled to Europe and South America. Coaches and Team Managers provide travel tournament details in advance. Teams may choose to host a fundraiser or recruit sponsors for tournaments.
Weather during tournament weekends can be unpredictable. Canceled games cannot be rescheduled nor fees refunded due to weather.
Player Health
Proper hydration and nutrition prior to and throughout the tournament is crucial for players to be prepared for all games. Please avoid sodas, large meals and junk food prior to games. Please ensure that players eat breakfast even when games begin at 8am.
Proper sideline behavior must be maintained by all. Please refrain from addressing referees, teammates, other parents and opponents in a negative manner. Please support your team regardless of the outcome of the game.